
Welcome to the Leopard Library website! If you look at the top of the page you will see our page titles for easy navigation, or you can scroll down to see a preview of each of our pages. If you have any questions or comments please use the Contact section of the site.

The Leopard Library believes that we are here to assist in the learning and love of reading of all of our students. We accomplish this goal by having the library open at all times throughout the school day, as well as before and after school. We provide a flexible schedule to all of our teachers for signing up in the library for the amount of time that best suits their’s and their learner’s needs. We also listen to the student and teacher interests and book recommendations to assist in our ordering of new materials. The library keeps up to date with the current technology trends, providing access and support where needed.

Happy Reading!

Mrs. Emory


Panel 1

Library Resources

Here are some links to some of our library resources. Each of the resource links has a short description.

  • This link will take you to our library symbaloo page. On this page is a sample of some of our resources, some research links, some citation links, as well as a link to our online catalog. To access the entirety of our databases please use the MackinVia widget in the sidebar.
  • This is the link to our series information symbaloo. As the librarian notices that there is an interest in a series she adds the information to this symbaloo. There is information about each series that the library currently has that includes book order and a short description of the series. If you would like to add a series to the symbaloo or to the library let us know! (See the addition survey on the contact page.)
Panel 2

Reading Incentives

This year in the library we are going to be using a Book-opoly Board Game display for our reading incentive. Students will come to the library to roll the dice and play this game to find books to read, be introduced to new material, and accomplish reading goals. The rules for this game are posted in the Book-opoly Resources, along with a printable version of the Book-opoly Board and Book-opoly Log.

2016-17-texas-reading-map-page-001Every year books are chosen as Bluebonnet Award Nominees by a committee chosen from members of the Texas Library Association. These books are chosen from recently published books and are for grades 3-6. Students are to read at least five of the Bluebonnet Award Nominated books and are then allowed to vote in the Spring Semester for the award winner. This year we are going to have a Battle of the Bluebonnets competition, open to fifth grade students. In this competition students, on self-selected teams, will read all of the Bluebonnet Nominees then, around the end of the year, will participate in a quiz bowl type competition with their team. The participants will also be invited to a Bluebonnet Award party where we will celebrate the winner of the 2016-2017 Bluebonnet Book Award.

While students in fifth grade are participating in the Battle of the Bluebonnets the sixth graders will be participating in a March Madness competition, involving books. Here are links to the book list and our March Madness Bracket. Students will begin reading at the beginning of the year and there will be voting opportunities for each of the steps throughout the year. Students do not have to read all of the books before they can vote, they can choose one or two brackets and read both sets of books, then vote on those. Then as voting progresses they can complete the process. At the end of the year, there will be a debate followed by a final vote for the overall winner of the sixth grade March Madness Competition.

Panel 3

Colonial Resources

Below is a resource list for our fifth grade colonial unit. The various resources are sorted into categories based on resource type.


Panel 4


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) outlines information saying that all individuals have the right to access any materials and locations in a least restrictive way. Technology, classwork, and other aspects of the school should be made available to all users in the way that best fits their needs.

Supports available through the Leopard Library include but are not limited to:

  • Chrome extensions that allow users to have text read to them
  • Chrome extensions that allow speech to text
  • Differing levels of circulation desk
  • Entirety of the school library is at one level
  • School library is open concept, no doors or low ceilings to create entrance issues

This site contains mainly text resources with clearly labeled links that provide access to the graphics used to assist those who are using software to read the page. This makes it easier for those with disabilities or special considerations to find and access materials located on the website. All of the main pages are linked at the top, with no drop down menus that could potentially cause frustration. There are currently no audio or video files, which means that those who are using software to read the page are not caused frustration in being unable to appropriately access and use said resource.

Through our online catalog there are audio books as well as eBooks that students have the availability to reserve and check out on the device of their choice. Through the library students also have the option to checkout iPods that come preloaded with specific books that students can listen to while following along in the physical book, if they so choose. Lastly, students have the opportunity to request materials from other schools within our district to ensure that they are receiving the materials that best fit their needs.

Panel 5
